Friday, September 12, 2008

Am I a happy camper or what?

Why is it that when you do not have any money, in order to go bankrupt, you must put out so much money to file and spend a fortune to actually Go bankrupt??

It isn't the filing fee that is costly, but the lawyers' fees and the classes you must take that can put you into a financial abyss! Then, if you cannot afford the lawyer, you have to face hearings and courts by yourself. Very Scary!! Being in a courtroom is frightening. I have been called for jury duty 3 or 4 times. Never got on one( possibly because every thought I have shows up on my "no poker face; or During a break,I was blowing bubbles on the courthouse steps...).
Who knows...I certainly wanted to serve,partiallyso I could see the legal system at work, do my civic duty, and get paid a whopping $15 a day(obviously I am unemployed). But nooooo...I remained unchosen. By the way, I NEED a JOB! Anybody want an ex-teacher who types 17 w.p.m.???????? I do have a good sense of humor and one of my friends refers to me as "Paulyanna". Now...Who wants to play the GLAD GAME??
God bless whoever is reading this...and God help me, too!

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