Sunday, October 26, 2008

So, How was Your day??

All day today,I thought about IT...The "it" being a nasty phone call, I recieved last night. Earlier, my day began with a ride to a B'nei Mitzvot:In this case, it was the Bar and Bat Mitzvah (a Jewish rite of passage undertaken and celebrated now,by both boys and girls, at the approximate age of 13 years) of my late mama's best friend's grandchildren.

It was taking place at a nearby Shul (synagogue). Having no car (mine died and sold for $200 to a junkyard), I was given a lift with a lady (friend to the grandma) who had bad legs and so had a driver drive her. I thanked them for picking me up and while I gave them directions to the Shul, she told me she had had 11 spinal fusions.

When we arrived at the shul, her driver opened her door, set up her 3 legged walker with apocket in the middle to carry things, then helped her situate herself with the helpful tripod.

She had a gift bag for the children, with her purse in it, as well, which I brought out of the back seat, when I got out of the car. I handed her the bag, then opened the heavy door into the building for her. She walked into the Shul, and as the door was closing, I saw another older lady trying to get out of the car that had pulled up. She was having trouble negotiating the curb, so I went outside to help her, extending my hand to her. She took it and I reopened the door ushering her inside. She thanked me and walked off to a group of people milling around between the pews, where the actual service was still going on, and rows of chairs behind those pews.

I waked toward the pews, spotted my aunt and uncle, and sat down with them. It was a nice feeling to hear and participate, lose myself in the familiar
chants and liturgy I had heard since early childhood. The kids did their parts beautifully, and their speeches did themselves and family proud!

I hitched a ride to the reception wth my aunt and uncle, and had a wonderful time.

I was home by four, and the day had gone well, or so I thought. Then out of the blue, I get a phone call from Susan, the lady with the driver. She called me. She was irate, angry and verbally abusive as she read me the riot act.
She said that she had fallen down immediately after she had walked inside
(though i went in less than 90 seconds later), that since she had brought me to the affair, I owed it to her to tend to her needs and no one elses. She spent at least six minutes berating me for my selfish, thoughtless, unkind nature.

I called my mom's friend to set things straight. She called Susan. Don't you know that Susan called me an hour later ( Thank G-D for Caller ID!), so I did
NOT answer it, the voice mail did. When I played it back later, there was more than three minutes of ranting...I deleted it.

I have a bumper sticker on my front patio door. It says, "No good deed goes unpunished!" This seems to be an accurate summing up of my lfe as does Murphy's Law!!!

When I die, I hope people will remember me as an honest, gentle, accepting
soul who always tried to do the right thing, loved well, gave of herself and held on to her life only with the help of her sense of humor.

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